This is a NeRF library that has been tested on medical images. Medical images have differences from the dataset that NeRF is typically trained on:
- No colour information
- No specular highlights
- Volumetric rendering of images follows different process
Install tiny-cuda-nn: Ensure that you have got the PyTorch extension working.
The code falls back to a standard PyTorch implementation, but is significantly slower without this extension.
Set up a conda environment and install the required packages:
conda create --name nerf --file conda-requirements.txt
conda install --name nerf --file conda-requirements.txt
Download walnut dataset from this webpage. The dataset is large, totalling around 4Gb. The tiff files should be stored in ./data/walnut/
conda activate nerf
python [config_file]
Example config file in config/test_config.json Should take about 1 minute to train for 40 epochs results should be similar to /img/test_config
Training curves and slices will be output to out/{run_name}/
The JSON documentation lists configuration options.
- fix bug with jaw data
- add some .png files to img/ folder to show example output
- modify to output info in out.csv