Welcome to ScalablePrototyping Chip8 Interpreter, developed by:
- Álvaro Páez Guerra
- Juan José Blasco Burguillos
This project showcases the latest C++ cross-platform development best practices, making extensive use of C++17 features, the STL, and modern build, continuous integration and coverage tools.
This Chip8 Interpreter allows to run chip8 ROMs and to interact with them. Example ROMs can be found here.
ScalablePrototyping Chip8 Interpreter has been designed to have fairly minimal requirements to build:
- CMake 3.15 or greater.
- C++17 Compiler.
- SFML version 2.3 or greater.
GTest is used as the testing environment. The CMake build system will download and setup the appropriate version, so no additional requirements are needed.
This project follows the Google C++ Style Guide.