A simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader.
An example is available on tontof.net.
This is an alternative to Google Reader or other RSS feed readers:
- It does not require SQL or database.
- It works with PHP 5.2
More information here: KrISS feed.
If you just want to use kriss feed, download index.php file and upload it on your server. Enjoy !
If you want to look at the source, look at the src directory. To generate index.php file, just run the command : bash generateIndex > index.php
More information here: KrISS feed.
version 1
- add/remove feed
- import/export opml file
- update manually feed/folder/all
- mark as read feed/folder/all
version 2
- show and reader view
- anonymize link (not image or media)
- simple share with shaarli
- auto update in show view
version 3
- new format : item hash -> feedHash + itemHash
- list/expanded view
- autoupdate in reader view
- auto cache 10 last downloaded articles
- automatic load when scroll
version 4
- edit feeds
- add via url (shaarli, blogotext links)
- automatic save mode/view
version 5
- new data structure
- bootstrap css
- fully usable without javascript
version 6
- security is increased
- more functionnalities (thanks to your feedback)
version 7
- starred items
- order list of feeds
- list of feeds are updated with javascript
kriss_feed simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader
Copyleft (ɔ) 2012 Tontof - http://tontof.net
use KrISS feed at your own risk