Radarr/Sonarr Installation on Swizzin based systems
Can install a primary sonarr/radarr and a secondary instance of it as well.
Config assumes NGINX is installed, if you dont have it installed, you'll have to enable auth in radarr4k/sonarr4k yourself.
Run install.sh as sudo
sudo su -
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ComputerByte/doubleARR/main/doublearrinstall.sh"
chmod +x ~/doublearrinstall.sh
Sometimes *Arr won't start due to another one existing, use the panel to stop Sonarr/Radarr and Sonarr4k/Radarr4k, enable base and wait a second before starting *Arr4k or
sudo systemctl stop radarr && sudo systemctl stop radarr4k
sudo systemctl start radarr
sudo systemctl start radarr4k
sudo systemctl stop sonarr && sudo systemctl stop sonarr4k
sudo systemctl start sonarr
sudo systemctl start sonarr4k
The log file should be located at /root/log/swizzin.log
sudo su -
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ComputerByte/doubleARR/main/doublearruninstall.sh"
chmod +x ~/doublearruninstall.sh
## if you want to remove base sonarr/radarr
box remove sonarr
box remove radarr