This is a simple mashup example that uses the Slim Framework. It insults the user with phrases fetched from FOAAS, signed by the Swedish namesday name for a given date, or today's date, should no date be given. The name is fetched from Svenska Dagar.
The project uses the Twig template engine for rendering its views and the Guzzle HTTP Client for consuming REST API:s.
The data is presented as a simple web page in a calm font, or, if fed the header Accept: application/json as a JSON response.
Please note that the project is written using PHP 5.4. It will probably run just as fine* on some versions of PHP 5 as well, though
*) The embedded web server, mentioned below, requires PHP 5.4 to run, though.
Being written in PHP, there is no real building involved. However, you will need to manage the project's dependencies. For this, you need to have PHP and Composer installed. Once installed, you can let Composer download all module dependencies by navigating to your project directory from a terminal and type
composer install
Being a more recent PHP project, you have two ways of running this script; either by letting your web server run it, or by using PHP's bundled development web server.
For this to work, you need to have a web server up and running. Personally, I prefer the Apache HTTP Server, running some recent version of PHP.
Once you have a web server up and running (please refer to the Apache web site for installation guidance), you may set up a virtual host, pointing to the project directory. Please bear in mind that the document root needs to be the /src directory, and, if you are running Apache HTTP Server on a Unix-like system (e.g. Linux or OS X), that the web server must have permissions to read all files and directories belonging to the project, including the project directory itself.
Running Slim, you will need to enable URL rewriting (using the Apache HTTP Server, you'll need to enable mod_rewrite).
Make sure to enable the use of .htaccess files by setting the AllowOverride directive in your Apache conf file. Your directory configuration will look something like this once you're done:
<Directory /path/to/your/php-web-application>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
You're now ready to start your server. Running a Debian-based system, you may your server by opening a terminal and type
sudo service apache2 start
For any other operating system, please refer to Apache's manual.
Running a PHP program is really simple. Open a terminal, navigate to your project folder's src sub-folder and type
php -S localhost:1234
You should now be up and running. The program runs at port 1234 as specified in the command above. You can try it by trying to access localhost:1234/insult.
The API exposes two endpoints:
Using this endpoint, you'll be insulted by today's Swedish namesday name. By calling the endpoint with the Accept: application/json header, you'll be fed a JSON response formed as
"message": string,
"from": string
Using this endpoint, you'll be insulted by the specified date's Swedish namesday name. By calling the endpoint with the Accept: application/json header, you'll be fed a JSON response formed as
"message": string,
"from": string
The year is given as four digits, the month and day as two digits respectively. As an example, calling my birthday (localhost:1234/insult/1981/06/16) will return an insult by Axel (who, I presume, is no less than @axelolsson).
Using this endpoint, you'll be insulted by a named person. By calling the endpoint with the Accept: application/json header, you'll be fed a JSON response formed as
"message": string,
"from": string