Khajiit has Books is a book reader application for your android phone. It offers access to all books in The Elder Scrolls series - A famous video game franchise with focus on an open world and fantasy elements. Download APK here
The contents of these texts are found and represented in the games as books the main character can pick up for the player to read. The texts themselves aren't neccesarily as big as real life books, but if we were to make the conversion, they can range from short, 1 page writings to texts as long as 70, 100 or even 250 pages. The contents contain extensive descriptions of the games' lore on subjects such as history, religion, fiction, research, journals, or correspondences between characters and represent, in my humble opinion, quite a qualitative collection of literary works.
The application is made with Android Studio and the Android SDK using the following technologies:
- Kotlin
- MVI Architecture
- Jetpack Compose UI
- Room Database
- Flow and Kotlin Coroutines
- Dagger Hilt Dependency Injection
- Moshi Json Converter
- Coil Image Loading
- Python and Beautiful Soup for Web Scrapping
The contents of the books were scraped from The Imperial Library website using Python and Beautiful Soup scripts available in the crawl-the-imperial-library repository.
I do not own any rights for the contents and books presented in this application, as these are part of the Elder Scrolls Series. The Elder Scrolls series are trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. The application in this repository is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Bethesda Softworks LLC or ZeniMax Media.