An elegant photo gallery. It will zoom from a thumb image and you can pan to dismiss it with cool animation.
The loading indicator component which I forked and customized is Here
pod 'KYElegantPhotoGallery', '~> 1.0.1'
##What it can do
##Propertys & Init method:
@parm: tappedImageView 当前点击的图片视图
@parm: imagesUrls 所有图片的URL链接
@parm: currentIndex 当前图片的序号,第一张图请传入1,第二张为2,以此类推...
-(id)initWithTappedImageView:(UIImageView *)tappedImageView andImageUrls:(NSMutableArray *)imagesUrls andInitialIndex:(NSInteger )currentIndex;
@property 所有需要显示的UIImageView
@property(nonatomic,strong)NSMutableArray *imageViewArray;
##How to use
_photoGallery = [[KYPhotoGallery alloc]initWithTappedImageView:(UIImageView *)sender.view andImageUrls:self.bigImagesUrls andInitialIndex:sender.view.tag];
_photoGallery.imageViewArray = self.imageViewArray;
[_photoGallery finishAsynDownload:^{
[self presentViewController:_photoGallery animated:NO completion:nil];
##A brief intro of the pan-to-dismiss animation:
I use two quadratic functions(二次函数) to generate two factors:factorOfAngle & factorOfScale.
The factorOfAngle is the factor to make the view rotaton around the X axis,the factorOfScale of course is the factor to make view scale.And here are the graphs of factorOfAngle & factorOfScale blow.
Then,put it tocurrentPhoto.layer.transform
CGFloat Y =MIN(SCROLLDISTANCE,MAX(0,ABS(transition.y)));
CATransform3D t = CATransform3DIdentity;
t.m34 = 1.0/-1000;
t = CATransform3DRotate(t,factorOfAngle*(M_PI/5), transition.y>0?-1:1, 0, 0);
t = CATransform3DScale(t, 1-factorOfScale*0.2, 1-factorOfScale*0.2, 0);
currentPhoto.layer.transform = t;
##License This project is under MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.