A scoreboard application for capture the flag events.
In the future, the scoreboard application itself may include some (intentional) vulnerabilities to be exploited for bonus points.
The following instructions explain how to build, configure and run the application from source.
The scoreboard uses SQLite to persist information about teams and the flags they have submitted. You will likely be able to install it via your operating system's package manager.
The scoreboard uses scryptauth to handle credential hashing used for access to the scoreboard admin page. You will likely be able to install it via your operating system's package manager.
The easiest way to get the Go compiler and other tools is by installing the tool suite from the official site. Once installed, you should be able to run a command like the following and see the version of Go that you have installed.
$ go version
go version go1.7.3 darwin/amd64
You will probably also need to set the environment variable GOROOT
to the path to where your base install of Go ended up in either your .profile
, .bashrc
or .zshrc
To install each of the third-party libraries required by the application, simply run the following command.
go get github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
go get github.com/StratumSecurity/scryptauth
Once you have set up the dependencies for the project, the next step is to start configuring the server. First, clone the repository if you haven't already.
git clone https://github.com/DC416/IVScoreboard
cd IVScoreboard
Now, open config/config.json
. The structure of the configuration for the service is as follows:
"ctfName": "Defcon Toronto Offline CTF",
"bindAddress": "",
"dbFile": "scoreboard.db",
"htmlDir": "html",
"flags": [
"id": 1,
"secret": "secret1",
"reward": 10
"id": 2,
"secret": "secret2",
"reward": 20
is the name for your CTF event, and will appear as<ctfName> Scoreboard
on the index page served by the application.bindAddress
is the IP and port to bind the web server to.dbFile
is the name of the file you'd like SQLite to create and use.htmlDir
is the path to thehtml
directory containing HTML templates.flags
is an array of flags that the application needs to be able to reward contestants for finding.id
must be a unique integer identifier for the flag. It's easiest to just count from 1.secret
is the secret flag string that contestants will have to enter to earn points.reward
is the number of points to award teams for finding the flag.
The server can be built very simply from the IVScoreboard
directory by invoking
go build
You can run the server one of two ways. The simplest is to just run the newly compiled binary.
This will run the web server and try to load a configuration from config/config.json
, relative to the IVScoreboard/
directory that you are running.
You can specify another path to a configuration file of your choosing by setting the CONFIG_FILE
environment variable to that path. For example:
CONFIG_FILE=./config.json ./IVScoreboard
In order to enable access to the admin page, you can specify a password used to log in. The password will be immediately hashed by the application and overwritten.
IVS_PASSWORD=S3cur3_P4ssw()rd ./IVScoreboard
Now after logging in, you should be able to visit the /admin
curl --data "token=TOKEN&flag=FLAG" ctf.server.com:3000/submit