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SapamaPay API

This library is an API wrapper to the following Safaricom MPESA API's



PHP >=4.0.2

Add edwinmugendi/sapamapay to composer.json.

"edwinmugendi/sapamapay": "dev-master"

Run composer update to pull down the latest version.

Or run

composer require edwinmugendi/sapamapay

Without composer. Download the source code and require_once the autoload.php

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';


Update the $api variable to the API you want to run.


require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoload files using Composer autoload

use Edwinmugendi\Sapamapay\MpesaApi;

$mpesa_api = new MpesaApi();
$configs = array(
    'AccessToken' => 'ACCESSTOKEN',
    'Environment' => 'sandbox',
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'Verbose' => 'true',

$api = 'generate_token';

if ($api == 'stk_push') {
    $parameters = array(
        'BusinessShortCode' => '603013',
        'Password' => 'TkNZpjhQ',
        'Timestamp' => '20171010101010',
        'TransactionType' => 'TransactionType',
        'Amount' => '10',
        'PartyA' => '254708374149',
        'PartyB' => '603013',
        'PhoneNumber' => '254708374149',
        'CallBackURL' => 'https://url',
        'AccountReference' => '1232',
        'TransactionDesc' => 'TESTING',
} else if ($api == 'stk_query') {
    $parameters = array(
        'BusinessShortCode' => '603013',
        'Password' => 'TkNZpjhQ',
        'Timestamp' => '20171010101010',
        'CheckoutRequestID' => 'ws_co_123456789',
} else if ($api == 'account_balance') {
    $parameters = array(
        'CommandID' => 'AccountBalance',
        'PartyA' => '603013',
        'IdentifierType' => '4',
        'Remarks' => 'Remarks',
        'Initiator' => 'apiop41',
        'SecurityCredential' => 'TkNZpjhQ',
        'QueueTimeOutURL' => 'https://url',
        'ResultURL' => 'https://url',
} else if ($api == 'b2b_payment_request') {
    $parameters = array(
        'CommandID' => 'BusinessPayBill',
        'Amount' => '10',
        'PartyA' => '603013',
        'SenderIdentifierType' => '4',
        'PartyB' => '600000',
        'RecieverIdentifierType' => '4',
        'Remarks' => 'Remarks',
        'Initiator' => 'apiop41',
        'SecurityCredential' => 'TkNZpjhQ',
        'QueueTimeOutURL' => 'https://url',
        'ResultURL' => 'https://url',
        'AccountReference' => '12',
} else if ($api == 'b2c_payment_request') {
    $parameters = array(
        'InitiatorName' => 'apiop41',
        'SecurityCredential' => 'TkNZpjhQ',
        'CommandID' => 'SalaryPayment',
        'Amount' => '10',
        'PartyA' => '603013',
        'PartyB' => '254708374149',
        'Remarks' => 'Remarks',
        'QueueTimeOutURL' => 'https://url',
        'ResultURL' => 'https://url',
        'Occasion' => '12',
} else if ($api == 'reversal') {
    $parameters = array(
        'CommandID' => 'TransactionReversal',
        'ReceiverParty' => '254708374149',
        'RecieverIdentifierType' => '1',
        'Remarks' => 'remarks',
        'Initiator' => 'apiop41',
        'SecurityCredential' => 'TkNZpjhQ',
        'QueueTimeOutURL' => 'https://url',
        'ResultURL' => 'https://url',
        'TransactionID' => '11211',
        'Occasion' => '12',
        'Amount' => '10',
} else if ($api == 'transaction_status_request') {
    $parameters = array(
        'CommandID' => 'TransactionStatusQuery',
        'PartyA' => '254708374149',
        'IdentifierType' => '603013',
        'Remarks' => 'remarks',
        'Initiator' => 'apiop41',
        'SecurityCredential' => 'TkNZpjhQ',
        'QueueTimeOutURL' => 'https://url',
        'ResultURL' => 'https://url',
        'TransactionID' => '11211',
        'Occasion' => '12',
} else if ($api == 'c2b_register_url') {
    $parameters = array(
        'ValidationURL' => 'https://url',
        'ConfirmationURL' => 'https://url',
        'ResponseType' => 'Completed',
        'ShortCode' => '603013',
} else if ($api == 'c2b_simulate') {

    $parameters = array(
        'CommandID' => 'CustomerPayBillOnline',
        'Amount' => '100',
        'Msisdn' => '254708374149',
        'BillRefNumber' => 'TESTING',
        'ShortCode' => '603013',
} else if ($api == 'generate_token') {
    $parameters = array(
        'ConsumerKey' => 'CONSUMER_KEY',
        'ConsumerSecret' => 'CONSUMER_SECRET',
}//E# if statement

$response = $mpesa_api->call($api, $configs, $parameters);
echo 'JSON response: <p>';
echo json_encode($response);
echo '<p>Response var_dump:<p>';


First call the generate_token to get the access token After getting the access token, set it in the AccessToken index in the $configs to make other calls.


The $configs parameters has the following indices

  • AccessToken - The access token. Get the access to ken by running calling the `generate_token' API
  • Environment - Can be sandbox (when testing your app) or live (when your app is in production)
  • Content-Type - Should always be application/json
  • Verbose - (Optional) for easy debugging, set this index to run your code in verbose mode ie echo and var dump parameters
  • Url - (Optional), this overrides the endpoint. By default we use and for sandbox and live respecitvely. Don't forget the forward slush as the end(/)
$configs = array(
    'AccessToken' => 'ACCESSTOKEN',
    'Environment' => 'sandbox',
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'Verbose' => 'true', //THIS


The response has the following indices

  • Environment - live or sandbox
  • Name - The name of the API called
  • HttpVerb - get or post
  • HttpStatusCode - HTTP status code
  • HttpStatusMessage - HTTP status message
  • Message - Custom Message
  • Response - Response array
  • Endpoint - URL called
  • Parameters - Parameters passed to the URL
  • ExpectedResponse - Expected Reponse Parameters as documents in the API

Sample Json

{"Environment":"sandbox","Name":"Generate Token","HttpVerb":"get","HttpStatusCode":"200","HttpStatusMessage":"Success","Message":"Success","Response":{"access_token":"YdiXeOksM3G9WVgl7jR1pCtT2Ckt","expires_in":"3599"},"Endpoint":"https:\/\/\/oauth\/v1\/generate","Parameters":{"ConsumerKey":"Li2dKUeKhlX6Gw0Fpkbq6LEBndlpOuxZ","ConsumerSecret":"hX3Yyd0BGMBiYaln"},"ExpectedResponse":{"Expiry":{"name":"Token expiry time in seconds.","type":"Integer","sample_value":"3599"},"Access_Token":{"name":"Access token to access other APIs","type":"Alpha-Numeric","sample_value":"O22vJy6rnN2nRAnOPqZ8dkyGxmXG"}}}

Sample PHP Var dump

array (size=10)
  'Environment' => string 'sandbox' (length=7)
  'Name' => string 'Generate Token' (length=14)
  'HttpVerb' => string 'get' (length=3)
  'HttpStatusCode' => string '200' (length=3)
  'HttpStatusMessage' => string 'Success' (length=7)
  'Message' => string 'Success' (length=7)
  'Response' => 
    array (size=2)
      'access_token' => string 'YdiXeOksM3G9WVgl7jR1pCtT2Ckt' (length=28)
      'expires_in' => string '3599' (length=4)
  'Endpoint' => string '' (length=49)
  'Parameters' => 
    array (size=2)
      'ConsumerKey' => string 'Li2dKUeKhlX6Gw0Fpkbq6LEBndlpOuxZ' (length=32)
      'ConsumerSecret' => string 'hX3Yyd0BGMBiYaln' (length=16)
  'ExpectedResponse' => 
    array (size=2)
      'Expiry' => 
        array (size=3)
          'name' => string 'Token expiry time in seconds.' (length=29)
          'type' => string 'Integer' (length=7)
          'sample_value' => string '3599' (length=4)
      'Access_Token' => 
        array (size=3)
          'name' => string 'Access token to access other APIs' (length=33)
          'type' => string 'Alpha-Numeric' (length=13)
          'sample_value' => string 'O22vJy6rnN2nRAnOPqZ8dkyGxmXG' (length=28)

C2B Validation and Confirmation

The URL that you registered you need to write code to capture the json data that is posted to that URL.

The URL need be ssl or https. You can use [LetsEncrypt] to setup https

MPESA will send 2 requests:

  1. Validation - This step is optional. It's used to validate that the transaction is valid. Eg, if you can validate that the account number that the customer entered exists.

MPESA will post the json below. You can get it going to this link and then click on the "Json Response" tab on the right.

// Validation Response

Below is a sample PHP code for the validation step that just returns what's required. Sorry if you are not using PHP, but you can re-write it in your own language

You need to return "ResultCode"=>0 meaning your accept the transaction and "ResultCode"=>1, if you don't accept the transaction and the transaction will fail

     * S# postMpesaDarajaC2BValidate() function
     * @author Edwin Mugendi <[email protected]>
     * Mpesa Daraja C2B Validate
    public function postMpesaDarajaC2BValidate() {
        return $array = array(
            'ResultCode' => '0',
            'ResultDesc' => 'Service processing successful',

//E# postMpesaDarajaC2BValidate() function
  1. Confirmation - If you return "ResultCode" == 0 in the above step, MPESA will complete the transaction send you a json of the transaction object to the URL you registered.

MPESA will post the json below. You can get it going to this link and then click on the "Json Response" tab on the right.

//Confirmation Respose

Below is a sample PHP code for the confirmation step that saves the data to the database. Sorry if you are not using PHP, but you can re-write it in your own language

The code is written in Laravel 4 but has the raw php equivalent code to get the json and save response in the database. (NB: The RAW php has not been tested but should work :) )

     * S# postMpesaDarajaC2BConfirm() function
     * @author Edwin Mugendi <[email protected]>
     * Mpesa Daraja C2B confirm
    public function postMpesaDarajaC2BConfirm() {
        //Laravel 4.2
        $input = \Input::get();

        //RAW PHP - Untested :(
        //$json_payload = file_get_contents('php://input');
        //$input = json_decode($json_payload,TRUE);

        $name = '';
        if ($input['FirstName']) {
            $name = $input['FirstName'];
        }//E# if statement

        if ($input['MiddleName']) {
            $name .= ' ' . $input['MiddleName'];
        }//E# if statement

        if ($input['LastName']) {
            $name .= ' ' . $input['LastName'];
        }//E# if statement
        //Initiate transaction array
        $transaction_array = array(
            'trans_type' => $input['TransactionType'],
            'trans_id' => $input['TransID'],
            'trans_time' => Carbon::createFromFormat('YmdHis', $input['TransTime']),
            'trans_amount' => $input['TransAmount'],
            'short_code' => $input['BusinessShortCode'],
            'org_account_balance' => $input['OrgAccountBalance'],
            'phone' => $input['MSISDN'],
            'bill_ref_number' => $input['BillRefNumber'],
            'invoice_number' => $input['InvoiceNumber'],
            'first_name' => $input['FirstName'],
            'middle_name' => $input['MiddleName'],
            'last_name' => $input['LastName'],
            'name' => $name,

        //Laravel 4.2
        $transaction_model = Transaction::create($transaction_array);

        /* RAW PHP - Untested :(
          $link = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_name, $db_pass);

          mysql_select_db($db_name, $link);

          if (!$link) {
          die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
          $transaction_array = array();

          $sql = "INSERT INTO TRANSACTION (trans_type, trans_id,
          trans_amount,trans_time,trans_date,phone,first_name, middle_name,last_name, bill_ref_number,short_code)
          VALUES (" . $transaction_array['trans_type'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_id'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_amount'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_time'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_date'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_phone'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_first_name'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_middle_name'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_last_name'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_bill_ref_number'] . ", " . $transaction_array['trans_short_code'] . "')";

          if (!mysql_query($sql, $link)) {
          die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

          // Close connection
        return 'Completed';

//E# postMpesaDarajaC2BConfirm() function


This blog post shares my experience [integrating to MPESA API]

For MPESA API as a Service and access all the functions/API's above as a service, please check out

For API integration assistance, bugs or assistance, kindly reach me on [email protected] or +254722906835


New Safaricom MPESA (Daraja) API






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