- most recent at the top
- all projects listed here, except Railstutorial's sample-app, contain only my code
- all apps are deployed from the top directory using
git subtree push --prefix path/to/dir remote_name branch_name
command, for reference check this post at Coderwall
(with postgresql instead of sqlite3 and all exercises finished, rails 5.0.x) github | view Twytter in browser
Iventbrite - App a'la Eventbrite - View in GitHub | browser modelling data task description - task No.2 'Private Events'
Clubhouse App - Write embarassing posts about other users, log in to see the author GitHub | view in browser task description
re-former Building forms with HTML way and then Rails way task description
modelling data micro-reddit task description
raw sql queries/exercises from SQLzoo.net
Warm-up Rails-tester app built to get familiar with routes, views and controllers task description
RestClient browser task description
Mastermind on Sinatra | Play in the browser Caesar Cipher on Sinatra task description
Connect four game RSpec for connect four
Fibonacci warmup merge sort task description
Hangman game with save/load features task description
tic-tac-toe game (hardly OOP and poor design of my first game) Mastermind RSpec for Mastermind task description
bubble sort and enumerable methods RSpec for enumerable methods task description
First task were some basic scripts(Caesar sipher, stockpicker, substrings), later task was to write specs for them GitHub