An ExHentai viewer for iOS, built by Dart and Flutter, for my personal use.
Install this app onto your iOS device.
Go to
ExHentai → Settings
(at the top of the page), create a new profile with the following settings:
Front Page Settings
Search Result Count
Thumbnail Settings → Size
- Feel free to adjust other settings, like
Excluded Categories
andExcluded Languages
- Save the new profile (“Save” button at the very bottom) and set it as default.
- (Optional) Choose the old profile from the drop-down list and save again. This ensures that a different profile is used in your browser.
- Check the first item in the Profile drop-down list. It should comply with the above settings and have a label “Default Profile”.
- Run Ex-Viewer on your device and log in. Enjoy :)
- Better search experience: custom categories and most-used tags
- Favourites management: add and remove