Welcome to Rhove's backend code challenge!
You have one week to complete this challenge and it will likely take 1.5-3 hours. We want to be respectful of your time, so at the 3-hour mark, submit your challenge and go celebrate a job well done. If there's work you would have completed if you'd had more time, feel free to document that and submit it along with your code.
Let us know if you have any questions, and good luck!
For this code challenge, build a Spring Boot application that has elements of:
- Data Storage (in memory db, postgres/mysql/dynamo/mongo etc)
- Third party integration (api calls, s3 upload etc)
- Business Logic
- Security
What the application does is entirely up to you. Engineers at Rhove are given autonomy and responsibility to help define what should be built, and then execute shipping that feature.
Aside from Spring-Boot you may choose your tech stack. For context, the backend tech stack at Rhove consists of:
Send a link to your GitHub repository to your contact at Rhove, and you're all done!