I'm Tom, I write and operate software for a living and love building communities!
- TomTucka/homelab - HomeOps
- TomTucka/dotfiles - Personal dotfiles. Built using GNU Stow
- TomTucka/helm-charts - A collection of Helm charts
- TomTucka/dotfiles.nix - NixOs dotfiles. Experiment repo before committing to the move
- TomTucka/nomad-ansible - Bootstrap a self-hosted Nomad cluster.
- TomTucka/terraform-workspace-manager @ v0.3.1 (4 years ago)
- nickpourazima/rotary-phone-audio-guestbook - Audio guestbook using an old rotary phone and a raspberry pi zero (1 day ago)
- playfultechnology/audio-guestbook - The "audio guestbook" is a converted telephone handset that guests can use to leave recorded messages at weddings and parties (1 day ago)
- arouene/vim-ansible-vault - Vault and Unvault inline values of Yaml files (2 months ago)
- dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules - Dell OpenManage Ansible Modules (5 months ago)
- sysadminsmedia/homebox - A continuation of HomeBox the inventory and organization system built for the Home User (5 months ago)
- Public Salary History (3 years ago)
- Using k3sup to Bootstrap K3s (3 years ago)
- Hello World (3 years ago)