Awesome list about PHP code bases migrations, legacy refactoring and instant upgrades. (This list is not about database migrations.)
Do you have an old PHP project that you need to migrate to newer version, different framework, templating system or config format? This is the place.
The goal of this post is to keep it short, useful and reliable. Work with legacy often very frustrating, as behind corner there is a new black hole of problems to suck us in.
Our mission is to keep this list practical and light so we can see the light in every legacy project :)
- Welcomed are: tools, posts, case-studies and short videos.
- Avoid conference videos, as they're long and without clickable resources.
- Avoid books, as they're opinionated, long, often outdated and hard to use. If you need to contribute last 2, try awesome-php.
- rector/rector - Tool for Instant Upgrades and Instant Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code
- How we Migrated from Nette to Symfony in 3 Weeks [case study]
- symplify/vendor-patches - PHP tool to effectively and temporarily patch your
- symplify/static-detector - PHP tool that shows where do you have static method and where they're called from
- symplify/template-checker - PHP tool that extracts static calls from Latte templates to
- How to Migrate From PHP CS Fixer to EasyCodingStandard in 6 Steps [post]
- How to Migrate From PHP_CodeSniffer to EasyCodingStandard in 7 Steps [post]
- symplify/neon-to-yaml-converter - PHP tool that migrates NEON to YAML syntax
- symplify/config-transformer - PHP tool that migrates Symfony configs with YAML/XML syntax to PHP
- symplify/latte-to-twig-converter - PHP tool that migrated LATTE templates to TWIG
- symplify/template-checker - PHP tool, that checks
contains existing template files - symplify/class-presence - PHP tool that checks NEON/YAML/TWIG/LATTE files for existing classes and class constants
- Switch Travis to GitHub Actions to Reduce Stress [post]
- symplify/psr4-switcher - PHP tool that helps you to migrate random classes to PSR-4