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Releases: TomasekJ/Ender-3V3-SE


24 Jul 22:55
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Improved Ender-3 V3 SE Firmware


  1. Max nozzle temp from 260°C to 300°C
  2. Max bed temp from 100°C to 110°C
  3. Increased Z homing speed
  4. Increased max speeds and accelerations
  5. Enabled Host Action Commands (OctoPrint)


Note: I also wanted to enable Linear Advance but there is some bug and it doesn't work.

Firmware update:

  1. Format the SD card in the PC, and select 4096 for the allocation unit size.
  2. Put the firmware file "SE_firmware_107.bin" into the root directory of SD card.
  3. Turn off the printer and insert the SD card into the card slot.
  4. Reboot and wait for the update to finish.

If you update from 1.0.6, there is no need to update the display firmware. Otherwise, update it here.