Congratulations on downloading the Aviary SDK! You're 15 minutes away from adding photo editing to your app.
The SDK itself is contained in the AviarySDK
To get started, please check out the Documentation directory. In it you will find:
[The Aviary iOS SDK Developer Guide](./Documentation/AviarySDKDeveloperGuide.html) - Setup and overview
[The Aviary iOS SDK Cutomization Guide](./Documentation/AviarySDKCustomizationGuide.html) - Detailed customization information
[The Aviary iOS SDK Documentation](./Documentation/AviarySDKDeveloperGuide.html) - Full documentation
[The Aviary iOS SDK IAP Guide](./Documentation/AviarySDKIAPGuide.html) - IAP guide (Premium and Enterprise only)
Release notes are also included in the parent directory if you're curious.
Happy coding!
-The Aviary Team