Twitter: TotallyNotNero
Discord: TotallyNotNero#0420
StormBeatz, our public discord music bot
TinkerRealm, my blog made for idiots
I am a self-taught software developer, with a passion for working in Swift and JavaScript. Developing since 2016, I have learned many languages and utilized my skills to refine the apps and services that I have created. There's always room for improvement, right?
I have a passion for Engineering, as I like to solve problems and figure things out on my own. I started as an iOS Jailbreak and tweak developer, trying my hardest to have fun with Apple's security measurements. I work tirelessly on finding software and hardware bugs, knowing someday one of the bugs I find will be of help to someone. After my jailbreaking days, I got interested in developing Discord bots, and spent most of my time in 2020 and 2021 doing so - even creating a discord bot written in Swift, and a music library written in Swift.
I am a part of Storm Developmentz, a development group focused on providing high-quality discord bots and the most upmost professionalism with support. Our first public Discord bot is StormBeatz, a high-quality and top notch music bot capable of providing a seamless music listening experience. With 120,000+ servers and growing, we are the best in the business with our capabilities offered. Check it out someday - you will not be dissatisfied.
I can interact with multiple APIs, such as Discord, Spotify, and YouTube - using both JavaScript and Swift. I also have experience in setting up and utilizing databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite. I also have ample experience using multiple Discord libraries - Discord.JS is used by me the most, followed by SwiftDiscord.
Otherwise, I enjoy playing with things until they break. I've had a lot of really stupid projects - from creating an app to remotely start my car, installing Windows on my graphing calculator (rest in peace), and exploiting my Nintendo Switch. I am also an automotive enthusiast (BMW, Dodge, and GM guy). I created a blog to keep track of my various projects, however now I think my blog can be used as entertainment. Go check it out.