I am a Computational Mathematics student at the University of Waterloo, ON, Canada
- 🔭 I’m currently working on: Game Development, 3D Modelling
- 🌱 Skills that I'm currently working on: C++, Blender, UE5, Computer Graphics, and Japanese (こんにちは~)
- 📚 Books that I'm currently reading: Monogatari Series, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion(Yukio Mishima), Snow Country(Kawabata Yasunari), 键のない梦を见る(Mizuki Tsujimura)
- 📫 How to reach me: Drift Bottle (N/A since I'm currently live at an inland city), Homing Pigeon (120.07794100000001, 35.89493399999997), and meet me on a random street~