This is a body mass index app to determine the approximate body mass of the input information.
This app was built as a part of my online iOS development bootcamp from Angela Yu on Udemy. I took some of this app and made it my own. I design the UI, launch screen, color scheme & app icon for this app. This project allowed me to learn how to use slide indicators, screen segues, MVC structuring, and much more. The UI/UX is all original by my design and the background color changes depending upon the outcome of the results delivered.
Download zip file and extract files by double clicking in finder or right clicking and selecting extract. In Xcode, go to open file and find the location of the downloaded project folder and select the .xcodeproj file.
Select the green button labeled <> Code on this page, then copy the url. Once URL is copied, in Xcode, go to source control and select clone. Paste the copied URL in the search bar and select clone.