1.0.1 Create a wallet off-line, and generate corresponding algorithmic mnemonic phrase, private key and keystore ( generate a wallet
1.0.2 Verify the keystore and password of the wallet (import the wallet by keystore
1.0.3 Verify the private key (import the wallet by private key
1.0.4 Verify the mnemonic phrase (import the wallet by Mnemonic Phrase
**For safety's sake, all above are verified locally and off-line without calling API. **
1.1.1 Check the balance of ethereum
1.1.2 Check the balance of ERC20 token based on ethereum public blockchain (the balance of ERC20 token )
1.2.1 Ethereum transfer
1.2.2 ERC20 token transfer (such as EOS transfer and so on) based on ethereum
1.3.1 Query the total amount of ERC20 token
1.3.2 Query the official icon of ERC20 token
1.3.3 Query the decimal places and other things of ERC20 token
- 1.4.1 Custom issue of ERC20 token
# ios version 10.0+
cocoaPods HSEther
[1]Create a wallet
+(void)hs_createWithPwd:(NSString *)pwd block:(void(^)()block;
[2]Mnemonic phrase import
+(void)hs_inportMnemonics:(NSString *)mnemonics pwd:(NSString *)pwd block:(void(^)()block;
[3]KeyStore import
+(void)hs_importKeyStore:(NSString *)keyStore pwd:(NSString *)pwd block:(void(^)()block;
[4]Private key import
+(void)hs_importWalletForPrivateKey:(NSString *)privateKey pwd:(NSString *)pwd block:(void(^)()block;
[5]Check the balance of eth and ERC20 token
+(void)hs_getBalanceWithTokens:(NSArray<NSString *> *)arrayToken
withAddress:(NSString *)address
block:(void(^)(NSArray *arrayBanlance,BOOL suc))block;
[6]Transfer accounts
+(void)hs_sendToAssress:(NSString *)toAddress
money:(NSString *)money
tokenETH:(NSString *)tokenETH
decimal:(NSString *)decimal
currentKeyStore:(NSString *)keyStore
pwd:(NSString *)pwd
gasPrice:(NSString *)gasPrice
gasLimit:(NSString *)gasLimit
block:(void(^)(NSString *hashStr,BOOL suc,HSWalletError error))block;