Integrated Energy Distribution System (IEDS) Planning method, include a matlab version and a Python version
- For IEDS_planning.ipynb: PuLP see (
- For IEDS_planning.m: YALMIP see (
- Both files are calling gurobi to solve the problem, but could call other solvers as well. (see what solvers they support in above link).
- Even though IEDS_planning.ipynb is basicly a Python version of IEDS_planning.m, still don't know why their produced planning results are not the same.
- Maybe lpSum() in PuLP don't support double for-loop?
- By reviewing these two files, you could see PuLP and YALMIP, even Python and MATLAB have a lot similar features in terms of programming.
- How to realize an IEDS planning, in a deterministic planning way, see [1] for more details.
- Robust planning for IEDS
[1] 沈欣炜, 郭庆来, 许银亮 & 孙宏斌 (2019), 考虑多能负荷不确定性的区域综合能源系统鲁棒规划, 电力系统自动化, Vol. 43 No. 07, pp. 34-41.