A collection of C libraries I've written for, or ported to, Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) and Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (RP2350) with their SDK.
Sequencer Synth
A polyphonic, multitimbral DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) library with a sequencer supporting up to 8 channels.
I2S Audio Mixer
Audio mixer library allowing playback of audio samples through an I2S DAC. Multiple samples can play simultaneously, and their volume can be adjusted individually.
Polyphonic synth engine with envelope, filter and LFO.
Ported from pico_synth_ex by Ryo Ishigaki.
Library that allows audio samples to be played through PWM.
Forked from pico-audio-demo by Ricardo Massaro.
PWM Tone
Tone generation library. Plays melodies and chirping sounds via PWM through a buzzer or speaker.
Play Mp3 and Wav files and control a DFPlayer mini (or a clone like MP3-TF-16P).
Keypad Matrix
Keypad matrix polling. Multiple keypads can be used simultaneously. It detects short and long key presses.
Rotary Encoder
Efficiently read rotary encoder signals.
Button debounce library. It generates interrupts after listening to GPIO_IRQ events. It allows to define multiple buttons simultaneously. Forked from jkroso/pico-button.c.
Linear Hall Effect
Read values from Linear Hall Effect Sensors like OH49E, with calibration and smoothing. Multiple sensors can be managed simultaneously.
Read and write multiple signals with 74HC4067 multiplexer/demultiplexer. C port of nlamprian/MUX74HC4067.
WS2812B Animation
Display animated effects on WS2812B LED strips and matrices, with custom charset and i18n font, and procedural effects.
Not my OLED display library, but I implemented display rotation. Fork of daschr/pico-ssd1306.
Moving Average
Implementation of the moving average filter. Forked from mhtb32/EfficientMovingAverage.
Battery Check
Measures the voltage level on the VSYS pin. Useful for low-battery detection.