Agrokart is an online platform that connects farmers, corporate buyers, and rental service providers.
Farmers can sell their agricultural products and also access rental services. Corporate buyers can purchase agricultural goods directly from the farmers of their choice. Service providers can offer their rental services to farmers through our website.
- Market place connecting farmers and cooperative business
- Crop prediction based on weather conditions, and soil type(ml-model)
- Fertiliser prediction(ml-model)
- Crop disease detection(ml-model)
- Rental service for farmers to increase net production
- Interactive chat bot Bhoomi
- User-friendly interface.
Client: HTML, CSS,Javascript, React JS, TailwindCSS,BootStrap
Server: Node JS, Express JS,FireBase Authentication
Api: Razorpay,Mapbox-Map
DataBase: FireStore
Chat Bot: Dialogueflow agent (by Google)
Deployment: Linux VM instance using T2D series of GCP
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the GFG_Hackathon_GCP directory
cd server
Install dependencies
npm i --f
Start the server
npm run dev
cd client
Install dependencies
npm i --f
Start the server
npm start
Can use this email to Login and explore
[email protected]
To run this project, you will need to add the environment variables to your .env file
Link to Demo Video