CD-i Game by Jeffrey Janssen - [email protected]
This is the Open Source version of Nobelia.
- The source code is identical to the released version.
- Licensed music is not included in this version, all in-game music tracks are replaced by "The Traveller"
- The source code and assets in this repository are meant for personal and/or educational use only
- Move character
Button 1
- Start game on titlescreen
- Place bomb (tile in front of you needs to be empty)
- Activate chests/switches
- Restart level after death
Button 2
- Detonate remote bombs (when you have this powerup)
Button 3
- Pause game
All assets in the game were either used from Open resources or created/adapted by me.
- Titlescreen:
- Image:
- Music: Grassy World by Matthew Pablo:
- Level sprites:
- Armando Montero (ArMM1998):
- Level Music
- The Traveller by Viktor Kraus:
- Character Sprites:
- Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm), Evert, withthelove:
- Makefile has been updated to use the compiler/toolset available from
- Use DOSBox to call
since this is a 16-bit application (seemaster.bat