The goal of this workshop is to introduce the framework AngularJS in a didactic way.
- Download and install Git to clone this repository
- Download and install Node to run the little server which serves the access logs in a JSON format
- Clone this repository :
- Open Source JavaScript framework intented to build SPA (Single Page Applications)
- First release in 2009 and maintained by Google
- Use MVC pattern
- Plain javascript
- Enrich HTML syntax with additional custom tag : directives
- Dependency injection
- Testability (e2e and unit tests)
- Compatible with IE 7+ and all the modern browsers
- Currently in version 1.0.7 stable and 1.1.5 unstable
The goal of the workshop is to build an AngularJS based Web application which display and filter access logs from a Web server.
- Run npm install to download the dependencies
- Run node server to start the server
- Open a browser at http://localhost:3000
- On the left part of the screen you have a list of step you need to pass
- The current state of the application on the right part of the screen
- When you refresh the page, a set of tests are run in order to check you have correctly fill the code (both JavaScript & HTML part)
- The current step is in bold, the others in grey