- Kimberley, BC
(UTC -07:00) - in/tyler-gillson
command line tool to bootstrap open-cluster-management control plane.
Hide the values of your GitHub Action workflow inputs
validator-plugin-kubescape provides configurable CVE alerting on top of Kubescape and creates ValidationResults for validator to consume.
A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of Materials from container images and filesystems
validator-plugin-maas validates your MAAS environment and creates ValidationResults for validator to consume.
Clean up arbitrary Kubernetes resources via a Helm pre-delete hook.
A distributed SQLite replicator built on top of NATS
validator-plugin-oci validates your OCI registry configuration and creates ValidationResults for validator to consume.
validator-plugin-azure validates your Azure environment and creates ValidationResults for validator to consume.
validator-plugin-vsphere validates your vSphere environment and creates ValidationResults for validator to consume.
validator-plugin-network validates your network and creates ValidationResults for validator to consume.
validator monitors ValidationResults created by one or more validator plugins and uploads them to a configurable sink.
validator-plugin-aws validates your AWS environment and creates ValidationResults for validator to consume.
The immutable Linux meta-distribution for edge Kubernetes.
Alphabot: a screen-less interactive spelling primer powered by computer vision