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Use Node.js 16-18 (19+ is not supported).

If you don't have Node.js yet we recommend using nvm.

How to run Hermitcraft TCG

npm ci                      # install packages
npm run build-dev           # build a developement build of the client
npm run build-dev-windows   # build a developement build of the client on windows
npm run server              # start the sever

Please use npm ci instead of instead of npm install to avoid unneccesary changes in package-lock.json.

Running in your development environment

Before you can run the game locally, you will need to create the debug config file. To do this, run cp ./common/config/debug-config.example.js ./common/config/debug-config.js on Linux, and copy ./common/config/debug-config.example.js ./common/config/debug-config.js on Windows.

npm ci               # install packages

npm run server:dev   # start the server and update automatically when you make changes
npm run client:dev   # start the client and update automatically when you make changes

npm run dev          # start both the client and server

If you need to test code that interacts with the database, you can use our development docker compose file:

# docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

Please use npm ci instead of instead of npm install to avoid unneccesary changes in package-lock.json.

By default, the client is hosted on port 3002.

How To & Architecture

See docs/


Server Config

Your instance can be configured using the common/config/server-config.js file.

Key Description
port Server port
clientDevPort Port for vite client server
clientPath Path for the client build used
cors Useful when testing on local network or when your server runs on a different domain
world Identifier for your instance when tracking stats
limits Limits for players' decks
logoSubText Animated text to show next to logo
botUrl Url to report game results to
version Version displayed on the client

Debug Config

You can configure debug settings using common/config/debug-config.js. See the developement environment section for instructions on how to creat this file.

Key Description
disableDeckValidation Disable deck validation
extraStartingCards Add extra cards into your hand at the start of the game.
noItemRequirements Remove item requirements for attacks.
forceCoinFlip Force coinflips to always roll heads.
oneShotMode All attacks will instantly knock out their target.
disableDamage Disable attacks from dealing damage.
disableDeckOut Disable the deck out win condition.
startWithAllCards Start the game with every card in your deck. Also disables deck out.
unlimitedCards Start the game with every card in the game. Also disables deck out.
blockedActions Block specific actions every turn.
availableActions Make specific actions available every turn.
shuffleDeck Shuffe the player's decks at the start of the game.
logErrorsToStderr Log assertion errors in turn acitons to stderr instead of throwing them.
showHooksState Show hooks in the console.
autoEndTurn When you have no actions left, automatically switch to the opponent's turn.
statsUrl URL to use for the Hall of Fame.

Formatting & coding style

We run Biome's linter and formatter as part of the PR process. You can use these commands to lint your code:

npm run lint      # check your code for linting and formatting issues
npm run format    # format your code
npm run fix       # fix any autofixable linting errors


This project contains a few tests that are run against every PR.

npm run test                # run all the tests
npm run test:unit           # run unittests written with jest, this will catch most errors.
npm run test:unit-verbose   # run unittests written with jest and print verbose logs for debugging.
npm run test:vunit          # the same as test:unit-verbose
npm run test:starter-decks  # run starter deck verification check
npm run test:db             # run database tests
npm run test:ct             # run component tests with playwright.
npm run test:ct-update      # update component snapshots.
npm run test:api            # run tests for the hc-tcg API.
npm run test:e2e            # run end-to-end tests with Playwright.
npm run test:fuzz           # run fuzz tests (see tests/ for more details).

Building & Self Hosting

To build you must run these commands:

npm run build

To build the cards you must have sh and imagemagick installed along with the project dependencies.

npm run client:render-cards

Alternitively, you can use our Docker image, which will have all the project dependencies set up for you. To build a docker image, cd to the root of the project then run the command:

docker build . --build-arg APP_VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker run -p 9000:9000 <Image Id>

To host the project with the image on docker hub, install the docker-compose plugin, create a directory with the docker-compose.yml file (/etc/hctcg by default, can be changed by editing docker-compose.yml), create a directory in there for the db (mkdir -p /etc/hctcg/db or edit the docker-compose.yml if using a different directory) then run the command:

docker-compose up -d

By default, the server will listen to requests on port 9000. The instance can be backed up by backing up the contents of /etc/hctcg (or whatever directory you specify).


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