Use Node.js 16-18 (19+ is not supported).
If you don't have Node.js yet we recommend using nvm.
npm ci # install packages
npm run build-dev # build a developement build of the client
npm run build-dev-windows # build a developement build of the client on windows
npm run server # start the sever
Please use npm ci
instead of instead of npm install
to avoid unneccesary changes in package-lock.json.
Before you can run the game locally, you will need to create the debug config file. To do this, run cp ./common/config/debug-config.example.js ./common/config/debug-config.js
on Linux, and copy ./common/config/debug-config.example.js ./common/config/debug-config.js
on Windows.
npm ci # install packages
npm run server:dev # start the server and update automatically when you make changes
npm run client:dev # start the client and update automatically when you make changes
npm run dev # start both the client and server
If you need to test code that interacts with the database, you can use our development docker compose file:
# docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
Please use npm ci
instead of instead of npm install
to avoid unneccesary changes in package-lock.json.
By default, the client is hosted on port 3002.
See docs/
Your instance can be configured using the common/config/server-config.js
Key | Description |
port | Server port |
clientDevPort | Port for vite client server |
clientPath | Path for the client build used |
cors | Useful when testing on local network or when your server runs on a different domain |
world | Identifier for your instance when tracking stats |
limits | Limits for players' decks |
logoSubText | Animated text to show next to logo |
botUrl | Url to report game results to |
version | Version displayed on the client |
You can configure debug settings using common/config/debug-config.js
. See the developement environment section for instructions on how to creat this file.
Key | Description |
disableDeckValidation | Disable deck validation |
extraStartingCards | Add extra cards into your hand at the start of the game. |
noItemRequirements | Remove item requirements for attacks. |
forceCoinFlip | Force coinflips to always roll heads. |
oneShotMode | All attacks will instantly knock out their target. |
disableDamage | Disable attacks from dealing damage. |
disableDeckOut | Disable the deck out win condition. |
startWithAllCards | Start the game with every card in your deck. Also disables deck out. |
unlimitedCards | Start the game with every card in the game. Also disables deck out. |
blockedActions | Block specific actions every turn. |
availableActions | Make specific actions available every turn. |
shuffleDeck | Shuffe the player's decks at the start of the game. |
logErrorsToStderr | Log assertion errors in turn acitons to stderr instead of throwing them. |
showHooksState | Show hooks in the console. |
autoEndTurn | When you have no actions left, automatically switch to the opponent's turn. |
statsUrl | URL to use for the Hall of Fame. |
We run Biome's linter and formatter as part of the PR process. You can use these commands to lint your code:
npm run lint # check your code for linting and formatting issues
npm run format # format your code
npm run fix # fix any autofixable linting errors
This project contains a few tests that are run against every PR.
npm run test # run all the tests
npm run test:unit # run unittests written with jest, this will catch most errors.
npm run test:unit-verbose # run unittests written with jest and print verbose logs for debugging.
npm run test:vunit # the same as test:unit-verbose
npm run test:starter-decks # run starter deck verification check
npm run test:db # run database tests
npm run test:ct # run component tests with playwright.
npm run test:ct-update # update component snapshots.
npm run test:api # run tests for the hc-tcg API.
npm run test:e2e # run end-to-end tests with Playwright.
npm run test:fuzz # run fuzz tests (see tests/ for more details).
To build you must run these commands:
npm run build
To build the cards you must have sh
and imagemagick
installed along with the project dependencies.
npm run client:render-cards
Alternitively, you can use our Docker image, which will have all the project dependencies set up for you. To build a docker image, cd to the root of the project then run the command:
docker build . --build-arg APP_VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker run -p 9000:9000 <Image Id>
To host the project with the image on docker hub, install the docker-compose plugin, create a directory with the docker-compose.yml file (/etc/hctcg by default, can be changed by editing docker-compose.yml), create a directory in there for the db (mkdir -p /etc/hctcg/db or edit the docker-compose.yml if using a different directory) then run the command:
docker-compose up -d
By default, the server will listen to requests on port 9000. The instance can be backed up by backing up the contents of /etc/hctcg (or whatever directory you specify).