This repository contains the Blang code accompanying the paper "Parallel Tempering With a Variational Reference" by Surjanovic, Syed, Bouchard-Côté, and Campbell. NeurIPS (2022).
- bash
- the following should be available in the PATH variable:
- Java Open SDK, version 11 (use sdkman)
- Rscript
- the following R packages should be installed:
- ggplot2
- dplyr
- ggridges
cd bl-vpt
./gradlew installDist
Still from the bl-vpt
chmod 755
./ --model ptbm.models.ToyMix
To see available options, use ./ --model ptbm.models.ToyMix --help
To find other existing available models, use ls src/main/java/ptbm/models/
- You can base your new model on one of the models in
- Implement the model based off the Blang documentation with the following amendments:
- For each latent random variable that you would like to approach variationally, enclose the distribution declaration with
, and pass in the target distribution as argument as in the following example:mu ~ Normal(0.0, 1.0)
becomesmu ~ Opt(Normal::distribution(0.0, 1.0))
- Declare the type of such random variable as
instead ofRealVar
- For each latent random variable that you would like to approach variationally, enclose the distribution declaration with
- Then follow the compilation instructions above.