FreeIOE is an open source edge-computing framework for Industrial Internet of Things. Chinese|中文
- Modbus application (Master/Slave)
- OpcUA applications (Server/Client)
- Fanuc Focas CNC device data collection via ubus broker
- DLT645 device data collection application
- Aliyun/Huawei/Baidu/Citic/Inspur/Telit/WeLink IOT Cloud connector
- Socat/Frpc utils control applications
- Device network configuration collection application (based on uci)
- EtherNet/IP CIP protocol based PLC
- Melsec protocol based PLC
- AB-PLC based on libplctag
- Omron PLC based on hostlink protocol
- Time-series database writer
- Modbus device data collection application with device template support
- Huawei UPS2000 data collection application (based on modbus)
- Huawei UPS2000 data to redis application
- Multiple gateway route management (auto switch ethernet and 4G link)
- Gateway network information collect application
- Network/Serial remote mapping application
- Semens S7 PLC connector (based on snap7 library)
- Device remote connect applications (Serial & Network)
- MQTT data upload application demo
- Huaray laser 355 device connector
FreeIOE is based on Skynet framework.
More information can be found in its wiki FreeIOE works with on skynet with a few more lua C modules
Please use issue list.