Use if you need help, have suggestions, etc
Just started with this project, stay tuned :)
- Cat, Less, Tail and Head
- cat, less, tail, head, Text Editors
- GNU grep
- GNU sed
- Sorting stuff
- sort, uniq, comm, shuf
- Restructure text
- paste, column, pr, fold
- File attributes
- wc, du, df, touch, file
- Miscellaneous
- cut, tr, basename, dirname, xargs, seq
Rough drafts
Am new to video recording and there are few bumps. But I hope it would be helpful
Check out exercises directory to test yourself, right from the command line itself
As of now, only a few grep
exercises has been added. Stay tuned for more
Includes only completed chapters
- unix.stackexchange and stackoverflow - for getting answers to pertinent questions as well as sharpening skills by understanding and answering questions
- Forums like Linux users, /r/commandline/, /r/linux/, devup and others for valuable feedback (especially spotting mistakes) and encouragement
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License