🔭 I'm currently working on computer maintenance and troubleshooting. I'm passionate about helping people solve any technical issues they may have with their computers and ensuring they function properly.
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on web design projects. I love combining my technical skills with creative design to create visually appealing and functional websites. If you're working on a web design project and need assistance, I would be delighted to collaborate with you.
🤝 I'm seeking help with graphic design. While I'm learning and improving my skills in graphic design, I'm always open to receiving tips, suggestions, and resources to enhance my knowledge in this field. If you have any advice or useful resources, it would be greatly appreciated.
🌱 I'm currently learning graphic design to complement my skills in computer maintenance and web design. I believe graphic design is a powerful tool for conveying ideas and enhancing the visual appeal of the projects I work on. I'm excited to continue learning and improving in this area.
💬 Ask me anything related to computer maintenance, web design, or graphic design. I'm here to help and share my knowledge. I can also provide you with an interesting fact if you're interested. Shoot me your questions!
[](https://facebook.com/JOAQUIN FUERA DE CONTEXTO)
](https://linkedin.com/in/Joaquin Emilio Perez Jimenez)