A simple, easy-to-hack GraphRAG implementation
One-click deploy of a Knowledge Graph powered RAG (GraphRAG) in Azure
Sanguosha (三国杀, a.k.a. Legend of Three Kingdoms, LTK) written in Qt and Lua.
Semantic search for competitive programming problems
C++ library to develop competitive programming problems
ACM SIGMOD Programming Contest 2016, code of team gStreamPKU
The implementation code of paper "A Universal Scheme for Partitioned Dynamic Shortest Path Index"
The implementation code of paper "High Throughput Shortest Path Query Processing for Dynamic Road Networks"
aqin1 / OI_Sharing
Forked from Xunzhuo/Algorithm-Guide🧠算法竞赛、数据结构的课件、论文、书籍、OJ网站、习题大全,资料分享。Algorithm all in One!学习面试必备!持续更新👀
GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
Walkthrough of Xv6 Memory Management
My solutions to the programming assignments of the Stanford Compiler course.
translate scientific papers in latex, especially arxiv papers