Welcome to my GitHub! I'm a PostDoctoral Fellow at Chapman University, specializing in computational neuroscience research.
I am passionate about developing scripts to process and analyze EEG/EMG data using Matlab, R, and Python. My research focuses on:
- 🔭 Current Projects:
- Triangulating the Neural Correlates of Consciousness
- Decoding Inattentional Blindness
- Programming Languages: Matlab, R, Python
- Techniques: EEG/EMG analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks
- Currently Learning: SQL, RNN and LSTM
Here are some of my favorite projects that showcase my work:
- Project 1: QuickLab - A comprehensive toolkit for EEGLAB for processing and analyzing EEG data (MATLAB)
- Project 2: Decoding EEG/ERP Across Tasks and Time - Using ML to decode brain signals across time (Jupyter Notebook - Python)
- Project 3: Using CNN to decode EEG - Using Neural Networks to decode brain signals (Jupyter Notebook - Python)
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am from Brazil, but I love hockey!
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you have any questions or collaboration ideas!