This project is for educational purposes and is intended to help participants test their own skills.
- Project Overview
- Features Tested
- Team6 Practice Project
- Technologies and Tools Used
- Prerequisites
- Pull Request Rules
- Contributors
- License
This project is an application designed to manage patient records within the medical system. It allows for the addition and deletion of patient information, and enables administrators to securely access and transfer this data.
As a user, I want to see warning messages for invalid login attempts to enhance application security.
As a user, I want to log into the system to access its features.
As a user, I want to securely log out of the system to ensure my session is closed.
As a user, I want to register a patient by entering their information, so I can access it later.
As a user, I want a link to my account settings on the homepage for quick access.
As a doctor, I want to search for patients by name or ID to treat them.
As a doctor, I want to delete a patient from the system to protect their privacy.
As a doctor, I want to list all patients for better planning.
As a doctor, I want to merge two patient records for easier management.
As a user, I want to see an error message when the system time is set outside GMT+0 during appointment scheduling.
The basic technologies and tools to be used in this project include:
- Java - Programming language
- Selenium - Web browser automation
- TestNG - Testing framework.
- Apache POI - Library for reading and writing Excel files
- Git & GitHub - Version control Systems
- JIRA & Zephyr-Squad - Test management Tools
- Page Object Model (POM) - Test Automation Pattern
Java Development Kit (JDK): Installed on your system for writing and compiling Java code.
IDE (Integrated Development Environment): Choose IntelliJ IDEA for Java development.
Git: Installed for version control, it is essential for managing your project's source code on GitHub.
Selenium WebDriver: Become familiar with its usage and basic automation techniques.
TestNG: Understand its annotations and how to write test cases using this framework.
Page Object Model (POM): Understand and implement this pattern in your test automation framework.
JIRA & ZEPHYR Test Management Tool: If using the system, ensure access to and understanding of test case creation, management, and defect reporting.
When contributing to this project, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Create a Descriptive Pull Request Title: Ensure that your pull request title clearly describes the changes you're making.
Provide Detailed Descriptions: In your pull request description, provide a clear and detailed explanation of the changes you've made and why they are necessary.
One Pull Request per Feature: If you're adding multiple features or making several changes, please submit each as a separate pull request.
Follow Code Standards: Maintain code cleanliness and adhere to the coding standards used in the project.
Test Your Changes: Before submitting a pull request, test your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as expected and do not introduce any regressions.
Update Documentation: If your changes impact any documentation, make sure to update it accordingly.
Resolve Conflicts: If there are any conflicts with the base branch, resolve them before submitting your pull request.
Request Reviews: Assign reviewers to your pull request to ensure that your changes are properly reviewed before merging.
Be Responsive: Respond promptly to any feedback or comments on your pull request.
Ensure CI/CD Passes: Ensure that all continuous integration (CI) checks pass before merging your pull request.
Contributor | Role |
Sefa Kahraman | Project Lead & QA Automation Engineer |
Ümmühan Teke | QA Automation Engineer |
Merve Kaya | QA Automation Engineer |
Songül Çam | QA Automation Engineer |
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.