Club Recommendation & Management Software (CRAMS, or Club Matcher) is my A-Level NEA project recommendation/management software designed to assist students and club leaders at schools with efficient club management and student-club matching. A full write-up is available here.
- Student-Club Matching: Utilizes the Hungarian algorithm to assign students to the most suitable clubs based on their subjects and interests.
- Cost Calculation Algorithm: Uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the "student cost" for each club suggestion, ensuring the closest match between student preferences and available clubs.
- Secure Login System: A login system with two types of user roles — students and administrators. Passwords are encrypted for security.
- Database Management: Includes tools for administrators to manage students, subjects, clubs, and club leaders, with options for creating, reading, updating, and deleting entries.
- Attendance Tracking: Allows club leaders to manage and view attendance, generate reports, and track the top attendees and most attended clubs.
- Data Backup and Recovery: Provides full, automatic, importable backups and allows administrators to export changes to CSV files for future use.
- Flexible Club Management: Features multiple sub-menus for managing students, departments, subjects, clubs, and attendance logs.
- Club Suggestion Algorithm: Matches students with clubs by minimizing the "cost" of assigning a student to a particular club based on their subjects.
- Cost Calculation: Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to calculate how well a student's subject choices align with club availability, forming the basis of the club suggestion "cost".
- Doubly Linked List (DLL): Used to manage the dynamic nature of student and club data efficiently.
- Binary Search Tree (BST):
- Optimizes search operations for fast retrieval of data.
- Used to handle collisions in the HashMap implementation to improve lookup performance.
- HashMap: Provides fast access to key-value pairs, allowing efficient retrieval of club and student data.
- Priority Queue: Applied in the Dijkstra’s algorithm to select the next unvisited vertex with the minimum weight assigned to it.
- Graph: Represents the relationship between subjects and is used to compute the cost in club assignments. Constructed using HashMaps
- Each subject is a key in an outer Hashmap, and its corresponding value is another Hashmap that stores connected subjects and their associated weights
- This design allows efficient access to node relationships and traversal during club suggestion calculations.
- Source Code: Java-based implementation of the data structures, algorithms, and database management.
- Database Files: Includes the SQLite database file and supporting scripts to set up and manage the database.
- CSV Files: Sample data for preloading clubs and students into the system.
- JDBC Driver: For SQLite integration with the Java program.
- For the detailed write-up, you can look at the Club Suggestion Write-Up
- This covers analysis, design, implementation and testing
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install Java if not already installed.
Install the SQLite JDBC driver.
Run the program using the following command:
java -jar clubMatcher.jar
- Students: Log in, view available clubs, and receive personalized recommendations for clubs based on your subjects.
- Club Leaders: Manage student attendance, view attendance logs, and access reports on club participation.
- Administrators: Access tools to manage users, backup data, and oversee the entire club matching and management system.
The Club Matcher project includes automated tests to ensure that the algorithms and functionalities work correctly. Follow the steps below to run the tests:
Ensure that you have the following installed:
- Java Development Kit (JDK): Version 8 or later.
- JUnit: The project uses JUnit for testing.
- Clone the Repository: If you haven't already cloned the repository, do so by running:
git clone
- Compile the source code: Before running the tests, make sure to compile the source code:
javac -cp .:junit-4.13.2.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar src/*.java
- Run the test results: After compilation, you can run the tests using JUnit:
java -cp .:junit-4.13.2.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore [TestClassName]
Replace [TestClassName] with the actual name of the test class you want to run.
This software is licensed under the following terms:
- The software may be used for personal, non-commercial purposes only.
- Redistribution, modification, or distribution of derivative works is strictly prohibited.
- This software may not be used for educational purposes, including in academic assignments, projects, or research.
These restrictions are in place because the software is part of my A-Level coursework, and to ensure fairness and originality, it should not be used in any academic context.
For any questions, please contact me directly.