Università di Genova - Area ICT/AulaWeb/CeDIA/CSITA/APOEL
- Genova (Italy)
- https://unige.it/
Popular repositories Loading
moodle PublicForked from moodle/moodle
Moodle - the world's open source learning platform
moodle-local_mass_enroll PublicForked from rogiervandongen/moodle-local_mass_enroll
A tool to allow teachers to enrol existing users to their courses using CSV files (without bothering the admins)
- moodle-auth_saml2sso Public Forked from dmirandaa/moodle-auth_saml2sso
Moodle plugin for authentication using a SimpleSAMLphp Service Provider
UniGe/moodle-auth_saml2sso’s past year of commit activity - pdooci Public Forked from taq/pdooci
Wrapping on PHP OCI functions to simulate a PDO object, since PDO support for OCI is very confuse and slow.
UniGe/pdooci’s past year of commit activity - ModernSkinCustomer Public Forked from efflux/ModernSkinCustomer
A modern and flat customer skin by Efflux.
UniGe/ModernSkinCustomer’s past year of commit activity - simplesamlphp-module-discopower Public Forked from simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp-module-discopower
Fancy tabbed discovery service with filtering capabilities where SPs can have different sets of metadata listed
UniGe/simplesamlphp-module-discopower’s past year of commit activity - moodle-local_bulkenrol Public Forked from moodle-an-hochschulen/moodle-local_bulkenrol
Moodle plugin which provides the possibility to bulk enrol a list of users who are identified by their e-mail adresses into a course.
UniGe/moodle-local_bulkenrol’s past year of commit activity - otobo Public Forked from RotherOSS/otobo
OTOBO is one of the most flexible web-based ticketing systems used for Customer Service, Help Desk, IT Service Management. https://www.otobo.de/
UniGe/otobo’s past year of commit activity