Do not base your projects on this one.
This is the base framework package.
Use or fork for your projects.
Designed to work with UnicornGlobal/strong-lumen
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e
# run all tests
npm test
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.
Inside the config
folder is a file secrets.env.js.example
. You must
copy this file to secrets.env.js
and set your secrets up in there.
Do not commit secrets, put them in the .env file.
There are scripts for travis included
Tests are run against the master version of UnicornGlobal/strong-lumen
Load up your custom in-app (authenticated) routes in your ~/router folder.
To include "static" routes (ones that do not require authentication and which do not load up in the app sidebar) add them to a special directory called ~/router/static
Any files placed in ~/router/static will not be loaded into the authenticated area of the app.
Examples include terms and conditions pages and contact forms.
NB Do not add any custom routes that have the path /
This is a special route that redirects to /home
NB You must have a home.js
file in your router directory
that sits on the path /home
- this is the default logged in route that
the base route /
will always redirect to.
This may change in the future but is the convention for now.
NB You must att static:true
to the meta
field of your static
routes. This may change in the future but is convention for now.
To allow any role on a route just set role to false
The values in /src/config/*.js
will be overridden by any values
present in the matching file in the host app.
Any additional values in the host app will be appended.
All components in the framework can be accessed with the @
import tag.
All components in the host app can be accessed with the ~
import tag.
To load a framework component:
import component from '@/components/FrameworkComponent'
To load a component from the host app:
import component from '~/components/LocalComponent'
If you place a Loader.vue
file in /src/components
it will override the
base framework loader with your custom component.