Jass-language based API to enhance Warcraft 3
What is MemHack?
What do I need to compile it?
What World Editor do you suggest for it?
Which version of Warcraft 3 do you suggest?
- 1.26a
Does it work on Reforged?
- No
Will it ever work on Reforged?
- Most likely no, unless someone is kind enough to help me disassemble it, so I can find the needed offsets. And if the memory "exploit" still works.
What's the point of MemHack?
- It allows any developer to add new functions that do not exist in older versions of Warcraft 3, like the Effect API that I added, or changing unit's model in-game, and so on.
- Unryze
- leandrotp (Hiveworkshop)
- Dracol1ch
- Karaul0v
- Lord of the Ding (Hiveworkshop)
- Aniki (Hiveworkshop)
- LeP (Hiveworkshop)
- Vexorian (Hiveworkshop)