Group Number: 19
Problem Assigned: Problem B, JP Morgan
Group Members:
Refer to DSMP_ProbB_JPMorgan_2024.pdf for specification.
Note: Need to make planner private
Store raw LOB data within Data/LOB
Store raw Tapes data within Data/Tapes
Store processed LOB data into Processed_Data/Clean_LOB
Open the command prompt and navigate to the local github's directory, this is my example:
cd C:\Users\wwden\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\Group_19_DSMP_Task_B
Assuming you have python3 installed run:
python -m venv venv
This will take a few minutes to install a vitrual environment, then we will active the virtual environment and install python modules, this will take up to 10 minutes:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then to run the jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook
Then navitage to
Week 14
- Finished Planner
- Started literature review
- Started ARIMA
- Started EDA
25/01/2024 - Week 13 First Group meeting
- Talked through the problem definition and structure of the project
- Set up the Github and Miro