Speech to text and text to speech in Unity iOS and Unity Android
I have provided all Java and Object-C source. You can learn how it works and add optimizations or new features.
- SpeechToText Android: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/package-summary.html
- TextToSpeech Android: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/tts/TextToSpeech.html
- SpeechToText iOS: https://developer.apple.com/reference/speech
- TextToSpeech iOS: https://developer.apple.com/reference/avfoundation
- To hide the default Android popup, there's a bool to enable and disable it, if you don't want the popup to show up.
class SpeechToText
public bool isShowPopupAndroid = false;
- Merge file AndroidManifest (If you want skip the default popup)
Requires Xcode8 or higher. Target iOS 10.0.
Add frameworks
- speech.farmwork - AVFoundation.framework
Add permissions
- Privacy – Microphone Usage Description - Privacy – Speech Recognition Usage Description