##Visit the official website!
You can also find us on:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/musareapp
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MusareMusic
##Get started with development!
First download Meteor: https://www.meteor.com/ Then download Git (CLI): https://git-scm.com/
Get your favourite code-editor out and follow the following steps to start contributing:
- Star the repository!
- Fork the repository to your account
- Clone your forked repo to your local machine using
git clone https://github.com/[YourUserName]/Musare.git
Navigate to "../app" and run meteor
. This will run a local instance of Musare on localhost:3000
There you go, you're set to start coding!
##Does the site not load?
Try these methods first before reporting an issue:
- Refresh page or restart browser
- Turn off all extensions
- Clear cookies and cache
- Update browser or try another (Chrome, Firefox)
- Flush browser DNS/Sockets and IP DNS
**Chrome** ```chrome://net-internals/#dns``` and ```chrome://net-internals/#sockets```
**Firefox** ```about:config``` then change ```network.dnsCacheExpiration``` to ```0``` and back to ```60```
**Windows 7, 8, 10** ```ipconfig /flushdns```
**Linux (latest versions)** ```sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart```
**Mac OS X Yosemite** ```sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache```
This did not fix your issue? or you're still not satisfied? Just create a issue ticket at: https://github.com/AkiraLaine/musare/issues Be sure to be as detailed as possible!