robot's control pkgs.
add a subscriber subscribing the pointcloud of velodyne lidar and covert the pointcloud2 to pointcloud
modified the costmap's configs, launch move_base to navigate. Shown in the video below.
launch depthimage_to_laserscan to generate pseudo-laserscan
add rgbd camera node, the camera's driving pkg astra_camera
is supplied by the manufacturer.
odom published with odom_fuser, and visible in rviz. The model's and map's descriptions are in FritzRobot_description
added odom_fuser, which takes ekf estimated orientation as yaw, synchornizing the /imu(50 hz) with chassis/vel(200hz) added odom_publisher, forked from official tutorial, which solve the pose only on encoder's data.
added odometry in gazebo through the service "get_model_state"
Added joy-stick control node, which extended the joy-stick control with transverse movement.
needs to be installed to enable the xbox wireless adapter on ubuntu.
And two packages needed to be installed in advance.
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-teleop-twist-joy
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-joy