** GAMING Web Application** This web application displays lists of board games and their reviews. While anyone can view the board game lists and reviews, they are required to log in to add/ edit the board games and their reviews. The 'users' have the authority to add board games to the list and add reviews, and the 'managers' have the authority to edit/ delete the reviews on top of the authorities of users.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Amazon Web Services(AWS) EC2
- Thymeleaf
- Thymeleaf Fragments
- JavaScript
- Spring MVC
- H2 Database Engine (In-memory)
- JUnit test framework
- Spring Security
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Maven
- Full-Stack Application
- UI components created with Thymeleaf and styled with Twitter Bootstrap
- Authentication and authorization using Spring Security
- Authentication by allowing the users to authenticate with a username and password
- Authorization by granting different permissions based on the roles (non-members, users, and managers)
- Different roles (non-members, users, and managers) with varying levels of permissions
- Non-members only can see the boardgame lists and reviews
- Users can add board games and write reviews
- Managers can edit and delete the reviews
- Deployed the application on AWS EC2
- JUnit test framework for unit testing
- Spring MVC best practices to segregate views, controllers, and database packages
- JDBC for database connectivity and interaction
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing data in the database
- Schema.sql file to customize the schema and input initial data
- Thymeleaf Fragments to reduce redundancy of repeating HTML elements (head, footer, navigation)
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in your IDE of choice
- Run the application
- To use initial user data, use the following credentials.
- username: bugs | password: bunny (user role)
- username: daffy | password: duck (manager role)
- You can also sign-up as a new user and customize your role to play with the application! 😊