Full Name: Kaiser Võ
Email: [email protected]
Hello, I am a Full Stack Developer with a passion for both frontend and backend development. As a frontend developer, I have just started my career, and I am currently learning and researching about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks such as ReactJS, NextJS and UI libraries. I am dedicated to honing my skills in creating captivating and user-friendly interfaces.
On the backend side, I am proficient in languages such as PHP, C#, Java, and I am familiar with server-side technologies like NestJs, ASP.NET and Laravel. I have experience working with databases, such as MySQL and MongoDB, MSSQL, and enjoy building robust and efficient server-side functionalities.
I believe that my passion for programming, both frontend and backend, fuels my desire to continuously improve and find innovative solutions to challenges. I am eager to gain practical experience by participating in real projects and applying my knowledge to deliver exceptional web applications.
With a commitment to learning, dedication, and creativity, I am determined to contribute my best efforts to achieve project goals and to grow into a versatile and skilled Full Stack Web Developer.
- Programming Languages:
- Frontend Frameworks and Libraries:
- Backend Technologies:
- Mobie Technologies :
- Database Management:
- Tools:
- OS :
- ORM :
- Deploy:
- Name University: Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
- Address: 12 Nguyen Van Bao, Ward 4, Go Vap District, HCM City
- Branch: Software Engineering
- Start: 2020
- Honors: Regional ICPC/ACM