- Where lost baloons go, Italy
Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
🚀 Kick-start your C++! A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management and much more.
Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
An SMTP library written in C++ for Qt. Allows applications to send emails (MIME with text, html, attachments, inline files, etc.) via SMTP. Supports SSL and SMTP authentication.
GammaRay is a tool to poke around in a Qt-application and also to manipulate the application to some extent.
A Qt tool for creating business and scientific charts. This is the canonical repository for KDChart.
Install Qt on your Github Actions workflows with just one simple action
Excel file(*.xlsx) reader/writer library using Qt 5 or 6. Descendant of QtXlsxWriter.
📊 Cross-platform user-friendly xlsx library for C++11+
Advanced Docking System for Qt
Open-source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more typing DDL commands. Let pgModeler do the work for you!
A C++ Web Framework built on top of Qt, using the simple approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework.
A basic burger widget implementation for Qt.
Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
Qt without moc: set of macros to use Qt without needing moc
Qt-oriented static code analyzer based on the Clang framework
A web browser extension (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox) that provides streamlined documentation search for Qt developers.
📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
Collection of scripts to build Qt application in command line environment
A QML engine in a web browser. Current state: fixing things…