wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VZIKL/vimrc/master/install.sh | sh -c
cd ~/.vim && git submodule update --remote
Keybinds | Description |
kj | ESC |
F3 | Open NerdTree |
F5 | compile file |
H | To beginning of the line |
L | To ending of the line |
U | Redo |
gb | Next Buffer |
gB | Last Buffer |
C-j | AleNext(next error) |
C-k | AlePrevious(before error) |
, | Leader |
, j/k/h/l | easymotion j/k/h/l |
s + (word) | easymotion |
C-e | Snippets list (insert mode) |
- YouCompletetMe
- supertab
- auto-pairs
- molokai
- nerdcommenter
- rainbow_parentheses.vim
- tlib_vim
- ultisnips
- ale
- LeaderF
- vim-easymotion
- vim-easy-align
- vim-multiple-cursors
- vim-snipmate
- vim-snippets
- vim-surround
- ….