An ESP32 based webcam mod for Voron V2.
This project is currently under development.
To complete this project, in addition to the printed parts you will need the following:
- ESP32-CAM with ov2640/ov3660 x1
- 160-Degree Wide Angle Lens for ov2640/ov3660 camera module x 1
- 14x14x10mm Heat sink x 1
- 2pins JST XH2.5 Connector X 1
- 24AWG wires
- M3x8 SHCS x 4
- M3 T-nut HNTAJ5-3 x 4
- M2.5X5 Pan Head x 4
- 4x3 M3 Heatset insert X 1
The firmware sample is modified from arkhipenko's ESP32 MJPEG Multiclient Streaming Server:
ESPHome and the ESP32 Camera Web Server Component:
The cable cover was designed by anton610 on Thingiverse:
Please adjust the length for your need in your slicer.