UC Berkeley, @sikkatech
Plug-and-play fee market module for Cosmos SDK chains
A go library to improve readability in terminal apps using tabular data
Piet interpreter and retargetable compiler written in Rust using LLVM as a backend
GitHub Actions to get git diff
Fail the build if/unless a certain combination of labels are applied to a pull request
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
Your InterchainJS Companion: A TypeScript Transpiler for Cosmos SDK Protobufs ⚛️
A way to cryptographically hash objects (in the JSON-ish sense) that works cross-language. And, therefore, cross-encoding.
pystarport setup and run local devnet for cosmos like blockchains
sikkatech / cosmos-sdk
Forked from cosmos/cosmos-sdk⛓️ A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains ✨
gnark-crypto provides elliptic curve and pairing-based cryptography on BN, BLS12, BLS24 and BW6 curves. It also provides various algorithms (algebra, crypto) of particular interest to zero knowledg…
A toy implementation of the @ValarDragon's F1 rewards distribution scheme
RustFFT is a high-performance FFT library written in pure Rust.
R1CS constraints for bits, fields, and elliptic curves