Hide your app on the root of your server with this trick
First you need to create an app on your dokku server named "00-default". This app will always be at the top of the alphabetical order and will be the application displayed if someone tries to access port 80 of your server.
git clone https://github.com/Valdomar/dokku-default-app
cd dokku-default-app
git remote add dokku dokku@$DOKKU_HOST:00-default
git push dokku master
Et voilà. But sometimes the host port in dokku is not 80 (I don't know why) so you need to use this command in your dokku server
dokku proxy:ports-add 00-default http:80:5000
And now it should be ok.
- Template by Gabriel Corti(https://codepen.io/borntofrappe/pen/GXLWzP)