This is a small set of extensions for using Alamofire with the swift-development
branch of ReactiveCocoa.
Add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "indragiek/AlamofireRACExtensions" >= 1.0
Note that AlamofireRACExtensions.framework
doesn't copy its dependencies (Alamofire, ReactiveCocoa, LlamaKit) into the bundle, so you have to link and copy them in your own targets. This is so that you can use those dependencies in your own apps/libraries without them being duplicated. However, the versions of the dependencies that you link in your project must be ABI-compatible with the versions that AlamofireRACExtensions.framework
links against.
Add AlamofireRACExtensions.swift
to your project.
The main method is Alamofire.Manager.rac_request(request:serializer:)
public func rac_request(request: URLRequestConvertible, serializer: Request.Serializer) -> SignalProducer<(AnyObject, NSHTTPURLResponse), NSError>
There are convenience methods built on this one for getting responses as data, JSON, or property list. All methods return a SignalProducer
, which means that:
- The HTTP request isn't started until
has been called on theSignalProducer
- Each invocation of
on the sameSignalProducer
causes a new HTTP request to be started
let manager = Manager(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultConfiguration())
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!)
.start(next: { (object, _) in
if let JSONDictionary = object as? [String: AnyObject] {
} else {
fatalError("JSON object is not a dictionary")
}, error: { error in
println("Request failed with error \(error)")
The unit tests contain more usage examples.
- Indragie Karunaratne
- @indragie
is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.